Last modified: January 07, 2024
Fields store data about an object or class. Instance variables (sometimes called attributes or properties) store the data that belongs an object, whereas static fields (sometimes called class variables) store data that belongs to the whole class.
Every variable must be declared with a type. The type determines what kind of information is stored. A variable can store a single integer value, a boolean (true/false) value, a decimal value, or a reference to an object (an instance of a class). Data types that hold a single value are known as primitive data types. For now, you only need to know these kinds of primitive types:
: Stores an integer value ranging from -231 to 231 - 1 (approximately -2 billion to +2 billion)
: Stores a floating point decimal value ranging from approximately -1.7 x 10308 to 1.7 x 10308
: Stores a true / false value
In addition to primitive types, a variable's type can also be a class. Since text is a common form of data, you should be aware of the String class that is designed to store text. Strings have special syntax in java, so you can create a string by simply putting text between double quotes, such as "Hello There". We will explore the String class later when we learn to use its methods to manipulate strings.
Hint: primitive types are all lowercase, but class names are always in UpperCamelCase.
We will discuss class variables (static fields) later. For now, let's create a Person class with instance variables:
public class Person {
// Instance Variables - fields storing info about the state
// of an object (attributes/properties)
int myAge; // Age in years
double myHeight; // Height in meters
boolean isStudent; // True if enrolled at any school, false otherwise
String myName // Person's name
// Remaining code not shown
Note that variables are named using lowerCamelCase
So far we have only declared our instance variables.
Declaring a variable means you are simply telling Java "Make a variable named ______
that can store data of a given data type",
but you haven't actually told Java to store any data in the variable yet.
To actually create and store data, you need to initialize the variables.
For primitives, that just means assigning the variable a value, such as myHeight = 5.9;
For objects, you need to set the variable to an instance of the appropriate class using a constructor to initialize the variable, such as cir = new Circle(5);
for number types such as int
or double
and false
for boolean
(meanining the variable is not referencing any object).